Check back for list of what is fresh each week at the Liberty Park Market.

Dear friends and supporters, 

As we inch toward the close of 2019, we ask that you take a moment to support the work of Urban Food Connections of Utah in our food and agriculture community. From successfully executing your beloved Downtown Farmers Market, Tuesday Farmers Market, and Rio Grande Winter Market, to supporting the work of our farmers and producers with our Local Food Microgrant Program, to educating children about the importance of eating healthy food with our Market Kids Club, please know that every dollar you give today has profound and direct impact across the entire state! 

Please take a moment to consider a year-end donation to support this work and amplify our impact on the food and farming community statewide.

Urban Food Connections of Utah is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the community about local food, regional food producers and Utah’s proud agricultural heritage.

Through a series of programs, workshops, and events, we help communities incorporate more local and whole foods into their daily menus, support regional farmers and food producers, and provide educational resources to our vendors and the community at large.

Thank you for your support, and we wish you the happiest and healthiest holiday season! 


Alison Einerson, Market Director

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We had such a fun time at our 9th annual Howl o Ween Pet Costume Contest on the final day of the Summer Downtown Farmers Market. Thank you to all our donors, judges, Nuzzles and Co., and all the hilarious and spooky contestants. Check out the photo album here: